Post Tensioned Concrete and LEED (part 3)


Another important element that has an environmental influence is the speed of the construction schedule. Ideally, structures can be built faster with unbonded post-tensioning at no additional cost. Accordingly, the impact of construction on the surrounding environment would be less. The environment could be an urban jungle or the natural wildlife.

Living in downtown Chicago, I am accustomed to traffic jams due to construction projects. The daily gridlock of automobiles and trucks create pollution and smog in the local vicinity. AMSYSCO, Inc. worked on 340 E. Randolph Condominiums, a 62-story unbonded post-tensioned building that was built at a rate of one floor every 3 days. (It became the first residential tower in the Mid-West America to achieve Silver LEED certification for its “green” design.) The construction team shaved off more than two months from their schedule using a combination of post-tensioning, specialized forming and stronger concrete. Ultimately, it reduced vehicular carbon emissions and the strain on local infrastructure.

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Additionally, a quicker construction schedule will reduce the number of days with noisy construction (noise emission). Residents and animal-wildlife in the surrounding ecosystem will benefit from the reduced human activity. While there is the obvious political, social and economic pressure for constructing structures, we can attempt to protect the ecosystem and reduce the impact of the construction industry.

Post Tensioned Concrete and LEED (part 1)

Post Tensioned Concrete and LEED (part 2)

– Neel Khosa, AMSYSCO

Copyright © 2009 by AMSYSCO, Inc. All rights reserved.

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